Results for 'Gabriel Lago Barroso'

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  1.  16
    A constituição de sentido como acontecimento: Heidegger e a transformação da fenomenologia.Gabriel Lago de Sousa Barroso - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (1):17-38.
    O conceito de acontecimento é um dos temas centrais do pensamento de Heidegger e oferece um fio condutor para a compreensão de sua obra. Este artigo mostra como a gênese deste conceito está diretamente relacionada à transformação da fenomenologia empreendida por Heidegger ao longo de suas primeiras preleções em Freiburg e fornece algumas indicações sobre a importância deste tópico para o desenvolvimento da ontologia fundamental em Ser e tempo. Nossa análise se divide em três partes. Em primeiro lugar, abordamos a (...)
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    Die Spaltung von Sein und Welt.Gabriel Lago Barroso - 2020 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2020 (2):12-26.
    This paper attempts to clarify Heidegger’s concept of metaphysics as it is developed in the period immediately after the publication of Being and Time. According to Heidegger, the concept of metaphysics contains two different tasks: the question of Being as such (Sein als solches) and the question of being asa whole (Seiende im Ganzen). These two tasks correspond to Fundamental Ontology and Metontology. Based on this distinction, I argue that the concept of metaphysics introduces a fundamental change in the philosophical (...)
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    Provincializing Nature: A Phenomenological Account of Descola’s Relative Universalism.Gabriel Barroso - forthcoming - Human Studies:1-24.
    Anthropologists have recently argued that the divide between nature and culture is not a universal framework suitable for understanding collective behavior but rather a local variation among various ways of composing the experience of the world. Notably, in the case of Philippe Descola’s anthropology, this critique led to a radical reconceptualization of social sciences and the humanities in terms of ontological regimes, which draws upon key aspects of the phenomenological tradition. In this paper, I develop a phenomenological perspective on Descola’s (...)
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  4. Turning anomie on its head: Fatalism as Durkheim's concealed and multidimensional alienation theory.Gabriel A. Acevedo - 2005 - Sociological Theory 23 (1):75-85.
    Durkheim's underdeveloped notion of fatalism is the keystone for a bridge between two conceptual categories central to Marxian and Durkheimian theory: alienation and anomie. Durkheim does not necessarily disagree with Marx that excessive regulation can be socially damaging but chooses to highlight the effects of under- regulation. A Durkheimian critique of overregulation becomes possible if we turn away from anomie and toward Durkheim's idea of fatalism-a concept that I will argue here is unexpectedly consistent with Marx's notion of alienation. We (...)
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  5. Histoire et philosophie du caodaïsme.Gabriel Gobron - 1949 - Paris,: Dervy.
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  6. Los demonios del hombre autónomo y la hybris prometeica.Gabriel Moreno González - 2010 - A Parte Rei 72:5.
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  7. Tensões e possibilidades : o que há de atual nas políticas de educação profissional?Gabriel Grabowski - 2010 - In Naira Lisboa Franzoi (ed.), Trabalho, trabalhadores e educação: conjeturas e reflexões. Porto Alegre: Editora Evangraf.
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    Modeling Misretrieval and Feature Substitution in Agreement Attraction: A Computational Evaluation.Dario Paape, Serine Avetisyan, Sol Lago & Shravan Vasishth - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (8):e13019.
    We present computational modeling results based on a self‐paced reading study investigating number attraction effects in Eastern Armenian. We implement three novel computational models of agreement attraction in a Bayesian framework and compare their predictive fit to the data using k‐fold cross‐validation. We find that our data are better accounted for by an encoding‐based model of agreement attraction, compared to a retrieval‐based model. A novel methodological contribution of our study is the use of comprehension questions with open‐ended responses, so that (...)
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    Las trayectorias de vida de los jóvenes de Santa Cruz de Tenerife en tiempos de crisis: una aproximación cualitativa.Gomer Betancor Nuez & Josué Gutiérrez Barroso - 2015 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 16:87-110.
    Este artículo, producto de un proyecto financiado por la Fundación Cajacanariasy la Asociación Cultural TuSantaCruz, analiza las perspectivas juveniles acerca de la realidad social, política y económica que marcan las diferentes trayectorias de vida de la juventud que habita en Santa Cruz de Tenerife. El uso del concepto de joven que hacemos en este trabajo es más abierto de lo habitual, pues concebimos que la juventud es una categoría social atravesada por cuestiones como el origen social, el nivel de estudios (...)
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    Filosofía para después.Pedro Martín Lago - 2014 - Madrid: Tecnos. Edited by María Martín Gómez.
    En la historia de la filosofía es imprescindible, además de conocer los hechos (contenidos) reflexionar sobre lo que ha significado históricamente la filosofía: lo que pasó después. Es necesario, por tanto, para todos aquellos que hemos transitado por ella, y también para los que se acercan por primera vez, continuar filosofando sobre los asuntos humanos. Filosofía para después. Para aplicarla en la vida diaria después de haberla estudiado. Para arrojar la escalera después de haber subido. Para lo que venga despues... (...)
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  11. Perceptual Modes of Presentation as Object Files.Gabriel Siegel - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89 (6):2377 - 2395.
    Some have defended a Fregean view of perceptual content. On this view, the constituents of perceptual contents are Fregean modes of presentation (MOPs). In this paper, I propose that perceptual MOPs are best understood in terms of object files. Object files are episodic representations that store perceptual information about objects. This information is updated when sensory conditions change. On the proposed view, when a subject perceptually represents some object a under two distinct MOPs, then the subject initiates two object files (...)
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  12. Temas em Filosofia Contemporânea.Jaimir Conte & Cezar Mortari - 2014 - Florianópolis, SC, Brasil: NEL/UFSC.
    Sumário: 1. O conceito de revolução, Amélia de Jesus Oliveira; 2. Mudanças de concepção de mundo, Artur Bezzi Günther; 3. Habilidade e causalidade: uma proposta confiabilista para casos típicos de conhecimento, Breno Ricardo Guimarães Santos; 4. El realismo interno de Putnam y sus implicaciones en la filosofía de la ciencia y para el realismo científico, Marcos Antonio da Silva; 5.O papel da observação na atividade científica segundo Peirce, Max Rogério Vicentini; 6.Fact and Value entanglement: a collapse of objective reality?, Oswaldo (...)
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    Interference in the processing of adjunct control.Dan Parker, Sol Lago & Colin Phillips - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  14. Phenomenological Laws and Mechanistic Explanations.Gabriel Siegel & Carl F. Craver - 2024 - Philosophy of Science 91 (1):132-150.
    In light of recent criticisms by Woodward (2017) and Rescorla (2018), we examine the relationship between mechanistic explanation and phenomenological laws. We disambiguate several uses of the phrase “phenomenological law” and show how a mechanistic theory of explanation sorts them into those that are and are not explanatory. We also distinguish the problem of phenomenological laws from arguments about the explanatory power of purely phenomenal models, showing that Woodward and Rescorla conflate these problems. Finally, we argue that the temptation to (...)
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  15. God’s Transcendent Activity.Markus Gabriel - 2009 - Review of Metaphysics 63 (2):385-414.
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    Form and meaning in music: Revisiting the affective character of the major and minor modes.Timothy Justus, Laura Gabriel & Adela Pfaff - 2018 - Auditory Perception and Cognition 1 (3–4):229–247.
    Musical systems develop associations over time between aspects of musical form and concepts from outside of the music. Experienced listeners internalize these connotations, such that the formal elements bring to mind their extra-musical meanings. An example of musical form-meaning mapping is the association that Western listeners have between the major and minor modes and happiness and sadness, respectively. We revisit the emotional semantics of musical mode in a study of 44 American participants (musicians and non-musicians) who each evaluated the relatedness (...)
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    A deterministic worldview promotes approval of state paternalism.Ivar Hannikainen, Gabriel Cabral, Edouard Machery & Noel Struchiner - 2017 - Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 70:251-259.
    The proper limit to paternalist regulation of citizens' private lives is a recurring theme in political theory and ethics. In the present study, we examine the role of beliefs about free will and determinism in attitudes toward libertarian versus paternalist policies. Throughout five studies we find that a scientific deterministic worldview reduces opposition toward paternalist policies, independent of the putative influence of political ideology. We suggest that exposure to scientific explanations for patterns in human behavior challenges the notion of personal (...)
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  18.  23
    Neoliberalism, Technology, and the University: Max Weber’s Concept of Rationalization as a Critique of Online Classes in Higher Education.Gabriel Keehn, Morgan Anderson & Deron Boyles - 2018 - In Aaron Stoller & Eli Kramer (eds.), Contemporary Philosophical Proposals for the University: Toward a Philosophy of Higher Education. Springer Verlag. pp. 47-66.
    In this essay, we focus on Max Weber’s concept of rationalization to understand and make sense of the rise of bureaucratic, corporate governance and online learning in higher education. We reveal the distinct disconnect between human interaction and online platforms and how such disconnection is antithetical to higher learning. We also show how Weber’s analysis helps us recognize the uniquely crass commercialism embedded in the very rationalization that makes online learning in universities thinkable and actionable. Our use of online learning (...)
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  19. The Existential Background of Human Dignity.Gabriel Marcel - 1963 - Cambridge,: Harvard University Press.
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    Plato on learning to love beauty.Gabriel Richardson Lear - 2006 - In Gerasimos Santas (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Plato's "Republic". Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 104–124.
    This chapter contains section titled: Beauty and Goodness Patterns of Beautiful Poetry Human Excellence and the Standard of Poetic Beauty Moral Psychology Love of Beauty and Being Just Conclusion.
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    On Painting.Gabriel Laderman, Leon Battista Alberti & John R. Spencer - 1956 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 3 (1):140.
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    How animal agriculture stakeholders define, perceive, and are impacted by antimicrobial resistance: challenging the Wellcome Trust’s Reframing Resistance principles.Gabriel K. Innes, Agnes Markos, Kathryn R. Dalton, Caitlin A. Gould, Keeve E. Nachman, Jessica Fanzo, Anne Barnhill, Shannon Frattaroli & Meghan F. Davis - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (4):893-909.
    Humans, animals, and the environment face a universal crisis: antimicrobial resistance. Addressing AR and its multi-disciplinary causes across many sectors including in human and veterinary medicine remains underdeveloped. One barrier to AR efforts is an inconsistent process to incorporate the plenitude of stakeholders about what AR is and how to stifle its development and spread—especially stakeholders from the animal agriculture sector, one of the largest purchasers of antimicrobial drugs. In 2019, The Wellcome Trust released Reframing Resistance: How to communicate about (...)
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    Reinforcement with iterative punishment.Jeffrey A. Barrett & Nathan Gabriel - 2022 - Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 36 (7):1361-1383.
    We consider the efficacy of various forms of reinforcement learning with punishment in evolving linguistic conventions in the context of Lewis-Skyrms signalling games. We show that the learning strategy of reinforcement with iterative punishment is highly effective at evolving optimal conventions in even complex signalling games. It is also robust and can be easily extended to a self-tuning variety of reinforcement learning. We briefly discuss some of the virtues of reinforcement with iterative punishment and how it may be related to (...)
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    Addiction and Choice: Rethinking the Relationship.Nick Heather & Gabriel Segal (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford University Press.
    Views on addiction are often polarised - either addiction is a matter of choice, or addicts simply can't help themselves. But perhaps addiction falls between the two? This book contains views from philosophy, neuroscience, psychiatry, psychology, and the law exploring this middle ground between free choice and no choice.
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    The age of machinoids.Gabriel Lanyi - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-2.
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    Tragic wisdom and beyond.Gabriel Marcel - 1973 - Evanston,: Northwestern University Press. Edited by Paul Ricœur, Stephen Jolin & Peter McCormick.
    This volume presents two works by Gabriel Marcel.
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  27. Philosophical and Mathematical Correspondence of Gottlob Frege.Gottfried Gabriel, H. Hermes, F. Kambartel, Christian Thiel & Albert Veraart (eds.) - 1980 - University of Chicago Press.
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    The notion of independence in categories of algebraic structures, part I: Basic properties.Gabriel Srour - 1988 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 38 (2):185-213.
    We define a formula φ in a first-order language L , to be an equation in a category of L -structures K if for any H in K , and set p = {φ;i ϵI, a i ϵ H} there is a finite set I 0 ⊂ I such that for any f : H → F in K , ▪. We say that an elementary first-order theory T which has the amalgamation property over substructures is equational if every quantifier-free (...)
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    Happiness and the Structure of Ends.Gabriel Richardson Lear - 2008 - In Georgios Anagnostopoulos (ed.), A Companion to Aristotle. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 385–403.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Good Conceived as an End The Good as a Convergent End The Meaning of “Eudaimonia” Happiness vs. the Happy Life The Finality Criterion The Self‐sufficiency Criterion Inclusivism The Shape of the Happy Life Concluding Remarks Notes Bibliography.
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  30. Hermeneutics of Heraclitus.Gabriel Bickerstaff - forthcoming - Dianoia The Undergraduate Philosophy Journal of Boston College.
    The article considers the philosophical potential of Heraclitean ambiguity and implications for how one might engage philosophically with Heraclitus. While works on Heraclitus most commonly offer new interpretations or dispute or add nuance to established interpretations, this work somewhat sidesteps interpretive disputes to consider the philosophical value and relevance of Heraclitus’s fragments themselves. Specifically, a hermeneutical tool proposed by William Desmond called a “companioning approach,” is supported. Desmond’s companioning approach is considered in the context of Pierre Hadot’s account of the (...)
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    The spectacle of belonging : Henri Bergson's comic negro and the (im)possibility of place in the colonial metropolis.Annette K. Joseph-Gabriel - 2019 - In Andrea J. Pitts & Mark William Westmoreland (eds.), Beyond Bergson: Examining Race and Colonialism through the Writings of Henri Bergson. Albany: SUNY Press. pp. 121-140.
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  32. A Revolution In Logic?Jaakko Hintikka & Gabriel Sandu - 1996 - Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic 1:169-183.
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    Albert Schweitzer: A Study of His Philosophy of Life.Gabriel Langfeldt - 1960 - London,: Allen & Unwin.
    Examines Albert Schweitzer's philosophy in an attempt to determine whether he is Christian.
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  34. Conocimiento, técnica e imaginación en el campo de la psicología.José de Jesús Padua Gabriel - 2009 - Ludus Vitalis 17 (32):451-454.
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    David Anakht.Genri Gabriėlovich Gabriėlʹi︠a︡n - unknown - Erevan: Izd-vo "Aistan,".
  36. Geltung und Genese als Grundlagenproblem.Gottfried Gabriel - forthcoming - EWE.
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    Logik der Weltanschauung.Leo Gabriel - 1949 - Graz,: A. Pustet.
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    La filosofía como rescate.Werner Gabriel - 2007 - In Jorge Martínez Contreras, Aura Ponce de León & Luis Villoro (eds.), El saber filosófico. México, D.F.: Asociación Filosófica de México. pp. 3--357.
  39. Politische Kultur aus der Sicht der empirischen.Oscar W. Gabriel - 1994 - In Stephen Everson (ed.), Language: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 3. Cambridge University Press.
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  40. Sobre o significado na literatura e o valor cognitivo da ficção.Gottfried Gabriel - 1993 - O Que Nos Faz Pensar:63-73.
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  41. The Course of American Democratic Thought.Ralph Henry Gabriel - 1956 - Ronald Press Co.
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  42. The 80th anniversary of zboril, blahoslav.J. Gabriel - 1982 - Filosoficky Casopis 30 (1):159-161.
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    Věnováno Karlu Hlavoňovi.Jiří Gabriel - 2010 - Studia Philosophica 57 (2):91-100.
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    Exposição A Paisagem na Arte Brit'nica: novos romantismos, velhos romantismos.Daniel Lago Monteiro - 2017 - Discurso 47 (1):449-480.
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    Vocabulário crítico de argumentação.Lineide do Lago Salvador Mosca - 2014 - Bakhtiniana 9 (1):175-179.
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    Child/Adolescent’s ADHD and Parenting Stress: The Mediating Role of Family Impact and Conduct Problems.Alicia Muñoz-Silva, Rocio Lago-Urbano, Manuel Sanchez-Garcia & José Carmona-Márquez - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Evaluating end of life practices in ten Brazilian paediatric and adult intensive care units.J. Piva, P. Lago, J. Othero, P. C. Garcia, R. Fiori, H. Fiori, L. A. Borges & F. S. Dias - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (6):344-348.
    Objective To evaluate the modes of death and treatment offered in the last 24 h of life to patients dying in 10 Brazilian intensive care units (ICUs) over a period of 2 years. Design and setting Cross-sectional, multicentre, retrospective study based on medical chart review. The medical records of all patients that died in seven paediatric and three adult ICUs belonging to university and tertiary hospitals over a period of 2 years were included. Deaths in the first 24 h of (...)
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    La definición barroca de lo real en Descartes a la luz de la metafísica suareciana.Óscar Barroso Fernández - 2022 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 39 (1):203-214.
    The aim of this paper is to analyse the different meanings of the word “reality” in the work of Descartes. As a methodological strategy, a comparison with the conceptualization of the real in the work of Francisco Suárez is made. It makes possible to find a paradoxical tension between two conceptions of the real, the objective and the existential, in the work of both authors. It is argued that this tension is a typical character of the metaphysics in the baroque (...)
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  49. Another Other: The Foreigner.Gabriel Furmuzachi - manuscript
  50. Memory, Imprinting, and the Brain: An Inquiry Into Mechanisms.Gabriel Horn - 1985 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Ranging from behavioral to molecular levels of analysis, this informative study presents the results of recent research into the biochemistry and neural mechanisms of imprinting. Horn discusses some of the difficulties that researchers have encountered in analyzing the neural basis of memory and describes ways in which these difficulties have been overcome through the analysis of memories underlying habituation and imprinting. He also considers the biochemical consequences of imprinting and its cerebral localization, and examines the relationships between human and animal (...)
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